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Contact: Heather Gale, LHWH Public Relations

(843) 448-1123 or

Broadway at the Beach will host “A Very Broadway Christmas Parade” on Saturday, Dec. 7.

The parade will begin at 11 a.m. near Dave & Buster’s on the 29th Avenue North side of the property and will follow the fire lane around Broadway at the Beach, ending near WonderWorks.

After the parade, Santa will head to the Holiday House in Center Court to visit with guests until 3 p.m.

After the parade and a day of shopping and fun, guests can enjoy a firework extravaganza that will light up the sky over Lake Broadway at 8 p.m.

For more information visit, call 843-444-3200 or follow on Facebook and Instagram.

EVENT:         Broadway at the Beach’s “A Very Broadway Christmas Parade”    

DATE:           Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024

TIME:            11 a.m.